A+ Certified Contractors are verified through our unique 14 point screening process that includes annual verification of a contractor license and insurance along with yearly references checks from the contractor’s customers to guarantee that the A+ Certified Contractor is performing the very best quality and delivering complete customer satisfaction.

We provide a single source to find local contractors that are approved and certified through the “Verified Contractors Service” to deliver top quality work with all warranties and guarantees in writing. We take the exact steps that are needed before hiring a contractor to perform work on your home or business so you can hire with confidence.

Only the top notch, experienced and qualified contractors can become A+ certified Contractor


A+ Certified is a seal of recognition awarded to contractors for their outstanding ethics in work quality and customer service. Recognized contractors have been approved by passing a 14-point process given by the Verified Contractors Service.

An A+ Certified contractor is an independent business which has met the following criteria:

  1. Work history verified with past and present clients
  2. Proven track record of quality service
  3. Rated high in customer service
  4. Clearance of proper licensing and insurance as required by state and local laws.

Only the experienced, top-notched, best of class professionals will be eligible to become A+ Certified. In order to maintain A+ Certified status, contractors will be re-screened annually to assure they maintain complete customer satisfaction.